He romanced pneumatic model Jordan - until he dumped her by text - and is now married and about to become a dad. But Gareth Gates reveals all he's ever wanted is a woman like his dear mum.

Gareth Gates is struggling with the word love. We've been talking about girlfriends, or rather one particular girlfriend, Jordan, whom he dated shortly after appearing on Pop Idol in 2002.

Gareth was the one with the stammer who lost out to Will Young in the first series of the reality TV talent contest, but scored with three successive number one hits, a £1 million sponsorship deal and, such is the aphrodisiac of reality TV fame, with Jordan too.

Gareth Gates dumped former girlfriend Jordan by text message

Gareth Gates dumped former girlfriend Jordan by text message

He was 17; she was 25 and six months' pregnant with her son, Harvey, by her former boyfriend, Sunderland footballer Dwight Yorke. Jordan went on to write in graphic detail about their three-month affair in her autobiography, describing how she took his virginity in a posh hotel room. He dumped her by text.

Given Gareth's battle with speech (it used to take him as long as five minutes to say his name), the text thing is probably not as cruel as it sounds.

When talking to someone with a stammer, you're supposed to look them in the eyes, smile a lot and never try to finish their words, which I guess is pretty tough when you're being dumped.

The not-finishing-the-word thing is tough now. The stammer, you see, is back. He had completed a speech therapy course called the McGuire Programme, which uses a technique called coastal breathing to help sufferers control their stammer - not cure it. Gareth even went on to qualify as a speech coach and instructor.

But Gareth's been cutting himself a bit too much slack with his verbal exercises lately. Next month, he takes over from Lee Mead in the lead role in Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in the West End, so there's been precious little time to focus on his stammer.

He apologises, telling me that his speech hasn't been this 'bad' for a while. He's been stumbling over the love word for several long minutes now, so gives up and tries a different tack.

'Jordan was my first serious girlfriend. We saw each other for a few months. I'd rather not say if she was my first sexual relationship because my mum's going to be reading this. But no, that was pre-Pop Idol, although I hadn't had much experience.'

Phew, we've passed the love hurdle and now the confessions are starting to fly. For a long time, Gareth denied Jordan's claim of an affair. A clean-cut, committed Christian from Bradford, he says now he fibbed to spare his mum Wendy's feelings, but feels bad about letting Jordan down so wants to set the record straight.

'Jordan's a really lovely girl, but after three months it was me who decided enough's enough. I was really young and didn't know what I wanted. I thought: 'We've had a lot of fun. Let's move on.' She didn't feel the same way, but that was just the way it was. I was really young - far too young. I wasn't ready for any long-term relationship.'

Today, Gareth is 24 and recently married to dancer Suzanne Mole, nine years his senior, with whom he's expecting a baby. Intriguingly, the stammer disappears when he speaks about his wife of six months, which is a good sign. Gareth is determined to get on top of his speech before the baby is born in April.

He met Suzanne on the Record Of The Year show six years ago: he was up for an award with Unchained Melody and she was performing as a dancer. There have been photographs of him since partying hard, playing fast, but he says he's never cheated on her - never would.

Gareth had previously shied away from discussing his affair with Jordan in order to spare his mother's feelings

Gareth had previously shied away from discussing his affair with Jordan in order to spare his mother's feelings

'She's a lot older than me, but I've always gone for older women,' he says. 'The last thing I wanted was to be with someone who's the same age as me and wanted the limelight, wanted the attention. There's lots of girls out there who do.

'Suzanne hates all that stuff. She actually didn't want a relationship with me for ages and ages, because the last thing she ever wanted was to be with a recognisable person and so that she'd be followed around.

'She's like my mum, really. I always wanted to be with a woman who has the same mindset and wants to look after me like my mum. She loves me, but she'll never be my mum and she knows that, bless her.

'She knows that my mum's the most important person in my life. Because I see my mum and dad as such amazing friends, I think I'll be a really good dad. No one knows for sure if you can inherit a stammer, and so I worry that my baby might. It's why I want to work on my speech before he arrives. I don't want him to hear me stammer. It's just trying to find the time to do the extra work on my speech.'

A hard grafter by nature, Gareth's been working his socks off for his opening night in a musical that holds a special place in his heart. It was as an eight-year-old, auditioning for a place in the chorus of his school's production of Joseph, that he discovered he could sing without stammering. In fact, he was so good he was given the lead role.

When he learned he was to star in Joseph in the West End, he phoned his father, Paul, who wept tears of joy.

The Gates, you see, are an emotional family. Brought up with three younger sisters and a series of foster children, when one weeps they all weep, he tells me.

Gareth's huge brown eyes are swimming in tears now. It's part of his vulnerability, part of his charm. I soon find myself warming to this young man with his trademark sticky-up hair, fake tan and stumbling speech.

Gareth says he's had a problem with words for as long as he can remember. He was teased mercilessly at school and remembers the many times his mother marched into school to tell the headmaster about the children making her son's life hell, asking him to do something about it.

Gareth with wife Suzanne, who is pregnant with their first child

Gareth with wife Suzanne, who is pregnant with their first child

'There's no reason why we have a stammer,' he says. 'Ninety per cent of it is a build up of negative associations from the past. Maybe I said something wrong when I was really young and someone corrected me, which then leaves a negative experience, which spreads to other words and speech in general.

'In my early years, it was really hard. I got the mickey taken a lot and couldn't be the person I wanted to be.

'I'd get really frustrated that I wouldn't be able to say what I wanted to say, which is where music came in; it was my form of expression. I was finally able to release what was in me, what I wanted to say, how I felt. Back then, my stammer was really bad. It would take me about five minutes to get my name out or say where I was from. It was awful, which is why I think I'm really close to my family. They were always there for me.'

Gareth remembers his mother breaking down when she heard him sing for the first time as Joseph in his school's musical. He'd only auditioned because his friends were, and had expected a part in the chorus at best.

'When I auditioned I surprised myself,' he says. 'I was on stage, using my mouth and everyone was looking at me singing words I wouldn't be able to say. My mum asked me to sing for her at home, but I said, "No, you'll have to wait for the show". When I walked on stage and started to sing, she was in floods of tears.

'It gave me respect with people at school, because, for the first time, I was able to shine. From then on that's what I was known for - the bloke with the voice, which was really weird because, when I spoke, I didn't have the voice.'

By the time Gareth was 11 and head chorister at Bradford Cathedral choir, music was his passion. 'It was a world where I could sit there on my piano and not be judged in any way,' he says. 'It was a release.' His father, an engineer, later a postman, encouraged Gareth to work hard at his talent. He'd practice his guitar and piano - he is grade VIII standard in both instruments - for four hours a day.

Gareth had a place to study opera at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester, before Pop Idol intervened

Gareth had a place to study opera at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester, before Pop Idol intervened

'My dad's the main reason I've been as successful as I have,' he says. 'He's the sort of guy who, whatever had interested me - music, sport or art - he wanted me to become the best I could.'

I suggest that his parents must have been worried when, following his Pop Idol triumph in 2002 and 3.5 million record sales, he seemed to be partying as hard as he worked. 'I wasn't ever drinking too much - never,' he says.

'But because I'd been on the show when I was really young, it meant I had to live the years when teenagers start to drink in the public eye. We've all gone for it at times, but whenever I was out, there was always someone taking a photograph, so it looked like I was always out partying and getting drunk.'

Gareth says it was his mother who suggested he enter Pop Idol, but it was his father who worked with him on his songs and performance style. He admits that he hadn't expected to make it into the final ten.

'I've never tried to fool myself or other people that it was all about my voice,' he says. 'It was because of my stammer I first got noticed on Pop Idol. It was a really big story - this lad with a really bad stammer, who had a really good voice. I was so happy to be in the final ten. It was the most amazing experience for me.

'It was the first time my stammer was a positive thing, which was great. Before, when I met someone, I'd try to avoid them. If I saw a person on the other side of a room who looked like they were going to come up to talk to me, I'd run away, because I wouldn't be able to speak without stammering.

'I never wanted to feel that shame, that humiliation of not being able to speak. But after Pop Idol, everyone knew I had a stammer, so when I met someone, that's what they were expecting me to sound like, so it took the pressure away from me.'

And soon, as one number one hit followed another, Gareth became the most celebrated stammerer in Britain. Cast as the squeaky clean Christian from Bradford, who was saving himself for his one true love and marriage, Gareth found himself increasingly at odds with his music and his image. Did he get demanding, I wonder. 'Yeah, I did,' he says.

Even though Gareth didn't win Pop Idol, Simon Cowell believed in him and signed him to his Sony BMG label. But, in 2006, after three years of not recording, he was dropped.

His mum was so worried about him, she phoned twice a day. He concedes that, for a time, he felt low, lost. 'Simon and I never argued,' he says. 'I had lots of success with his record company, but, in truth, it wasn't as the artist I wanted to be for the rest of my life.

'I wanted to be happy with the music I was making - not feel a little bit embarrassed when it was on the radio. My mum was always there for me - she always has been. We speak every day. There were a few times when I felt I was losing my grip, but I never changed as a person because I kept my family really close.'

Indeed, when Gareth released Angel On My Shoulder in 2007, he dedicated it to his mother. The single, though, only got to number 22 in the charts, and his album, Picture Of The Other Side, released by the UMTV label, bombed out of the charts in two weeks. Are there any regrets?

'No,' he says. 'I had lots of success and lots of money in the bank, so I'm able to do what I want and have what I want. So no, there's no real regret.' However, I'm not sure I believe him.

Does he have plans to make a fourth album? 'No,' he says. 'Maybe in the future I will. I'm just really pleased I've got this role. It's what I've wanted since I could sing. When I rang my dad to tell him I'd got the part, he said, "I'm more happy about this than I was when you were in Pop Idol." For him, it's really, really big. It is, literally, my dream come t-t-t-t-t...' True? He nods and those huge brown eyes are swimming with tears again.

[Article and Image credits]


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