Over Easy is a minimalistically-elegant theme aimed at companies who’d like a serious, all-in-one online web presence. The homepage is perfectly suited for sales, whilst the inner pages & blog has been hand-crafted to publish important info efficiently and promote engagement through the blog.
Unique Features

These are some of the more unique features that you will find within the theme:

* Easy-to-use featured scroller to broadcast your business’ most important information;
* A separate company blog that is tucked away from the homepage; and
* Different page templates, 7 widgetized spaces and a 5 custom widgets to increase your value.

Standard Features

These features are probably just as special as the one’s above, but you’ll find these standard features within most of our wide range of themes:

* Integrated Theme Options (for WordPress) to tweak the layout, colour scheme etc. for the theme;
* Automatic Image Resizer, which is used to dynamically create the thumbnails and featured images;
* Built-in Gravatar Support for Authors & Comments;
* Integrated Banner Management script to display randomized banner ads of your choice site-wide; and
* Many, great colour schemes to use as the basis of your corporate identity / brand.

Available Colour Schemes

Please note that the theme package includes all of these colour schemes and with the Theme Options backend, it is possible to change the theme’s colour scheme (between these) whenever you see fit.



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