Aardvark Topsites PHP V5.2.0 php script

Aardvark Topsites PHP V5.2.0 php script
download Aardvark Topsites PHP V5.2.0 php script .zip
Aardvark Topsites PHP has a ton of features. I'm not going to bore you with all the inane details, but here is a list of the main features.
- Members ranks can be shown on their button.
- Stat Buttons, allowing you to customize your buttons and display all kinds of stats on them
- 6 different ranking methods
- Counts unique pageviews, total pageviews, unique hits in, total hits in, unique hits out, and total hits out
- Rank daily, weekly, or monthly
- Up/down/neutral arrows
- Customizable categories
- Fully customizeable skins: make your topsites look however you want!
- Simple web-based installer and upgrader
- Multiple pages
- Member login and lost password retrieval
- Seamlessly switches between languages
- Fast, integrated search
- Ad breaks
- Visitors can rate and review members
- Advanced stats and graphs
- Easy to install and maintain
- Powerful admin
- Mass mail members
- Best of all, it's completely free!
It is currently translated into Bosnian, Czech, Danish, English, Finnish, French, German, Polish, Romanian, and Russian. Other languages should follow soon, hopefully.
Upgrading is supported for version 4.1.0 or higher. Here is a list of changes:

- Option in the admin to fill empty rows with "Your Site Here"
- Backup database tool in the admin
- A more secure captcha, with a link for users to get a new captcha if the user can't read the first one
- Redesigned gateway page for the Fusion skin by OS-Mark
- Banning of sites by URL, IP address, username, email
- Optional security question on join to block spammers
- By default, new members must be approved by the admin before they are listed and changes to the title or URL of a site must be approved by the admin
- New skin file table_wrapper.html to easily display things only on ranking pages
- Overall stats page with complete overall stats
- Summary of overall stats displayed on the main page
- Password confirmation on the join page to prevent typos
- Unapproved sites will not be automatically deleted for inactivity
- Validates $_SERVER before use
- Displays the banner max width/height in the join and edit forms
- When you enable admin approval of new members, the welcome email is delayed until you approve the site
- button.php only displays a button for valid, approved members
- Users cannot create their own categories by bypassing the join/edit forms
- Under normal usage, there should be no PHP error messages, even at E_ALL
- Users pending approval will not be allowed to login to the user control panel
- Checks if allow_url_fopen is On before checking banner size and checking for the latest version
- Missing tags were added so that all pages should validate as XHTML 1.0 Transitional
- user_cp.php renamed to user_cpl.php because of mod_security on some servers
- Several small fixes that have been omitted from this list for brevity
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