A flexible and stylish PHP/MySQL media gallery for private and commerical use. Basic features include: automatic creation of thumbnails for images, experimental support for creation of thumbnails from videos (with ffmpeg), creation of medium sized previews, video and audio streaming, integrated shopping cart with various payment options, zip download, rating system, bulk import functions, slide show, e-cards and multiple language support, SMTP authentification support, user upload, can read exif and IPTC data from images, image and text watermark support etc.
- MySQL database driven, PHP coding
- English/German language support (can be extended)
- Users can change and set their prefered language.
- Supports JPG, PNG (and GIF is some cases) using GD 2.x.x or GD 1.x.x
- Supports TIF, PSD, GIF, JPG and PNG etc. using ImageMagick
- Supports EXIF and IPTC information in JPG (and TIF if ImageMagick is used)
- Support of video files (AVI, RM, MPG, MPEG, MOV, 3GP and WMV)
- Support of audio files (MP3, MP4, M4A, M4V, WAV, MID, MIDI and WMA)
- Support of text files (PDF, DOC, RTF, TXT, PPT and XLS)
- Support for ZIP Archives
- Support of Macromedia Flash (SWF) content
- Upload of files in admin center from external URL
- Streaming support for WMV, WMA, MP3 and RM files
- Import of external Windows Media and Realplayer live streams possible
- Thumbnails and medium-sized images for videos, audio, text and zip files can be uploaded/created separately, otherwise standard Icon Thumb is shown
- Automatic thumbnail creation for images, with crop to square function
- Unlimited categories and subcategories
- Full sized original image linked as downloadable file
- Full sized original file linked also a ZIP download
- Categories can be password protected
- Categories can be hidden (with or without password protection)
- Visitors may upload own images to predefined categories
- Upload moderation with email-notification
- Integrated shopping cart (with PayPal, NoChex, WorldPay, 2checkout, bank transfer
or self defined payment possibilities). Shopping cart may be disabled if not required.
- E-card support for all media types (can be turned off)
- Printing support (can be turned off)
- Slideshow for images with user setable timing
- Hotlist of top 10 downloads, popular and most viewed files
- Integrated user contact form (can be turned off)
- Search and quicksearch function via form or URL
- Text-Watermark function
- Graphic watermark function (GD2 only)
- Display of newest, most popular and random images on start page
- Choose if middle-sized image is displayed in pop-up or on normal page
- Created of middle-sized images can be turned off and instead originals can be shown
- Images stored on hard drive in randomly named (for extra security) directories
- Rating system: Visitors can rate files on a scale of 1 to 5
- Tested on Unix/Apache and Windows environments
- Browser compatible; tested with IE 5/6, Netscape 4/6/7, Firefox, Safari 1.0
- XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliant
Administrative features
- Easy web-based installation script
- Password protected admin panel access
- Upload files via browser
- Bulk upload via ZIP archive and/or FTP-Upload
- Database backup with zip download
- Unlimited creation of categories and subcategories possible
- Automatic renaming of files to prevent accidental overwriting
- Set size and quality of thumbnail images
- Set size and quality of medium-sized images
- Number of downloads and views counted and logged
- Keyword entry, Keyword search
- Definition of up to unlimited additional databank fields
- Price categories with multiplicator setable for integrated shopping cart
- CD-ROM order option and shipping costs in integrated shopping cart possible
- Change font type, -colour and -size easily in css-file
- Configure your own colour scheme and gallery logo
- Header, footer and css style can be edited in admin panel
- Manage categories. Edit, Delete, Create, Move
- Manage (multiple) files: Edit, Delete, Upload, Move
- Modify description, date, rating and no. of views
- Create and rename categories and category descriptions
- Set download and e-card permissions per category and/or file
- Set upload and moderation permissions per category
- Set hide setting and password for each category
- Define number of thumbnails shown per page
- Define number of thumbnail columns in category overview
- Turn off automatic thumbnail creation
- Turn off automatic creation of medium-sized images and show only originals
- Turn ofsp;
- Rescan function (recreate thumbnails, medium images, watermark or read or delete IPTC and EXIF information)
- Flexible IPTC field to database field allocation
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