Hey guys, did you know that you can REALLY watch movies in paint ?
Here's what you gotta do :
> Open your favorite movie player and play the move (I played the .mpg format in Winamp)
> Hit "PrintScreen", keep playing the movie in the player, dont stop it.
> Open MsPaint.
> Select "Edit>Paste" Or Hit "CTRL+V"
> Presto! You can watch movies in Paint!
> But there are no Pause, Next, Previous, Stop etc. buttons
> Spead this fact to all your friends and show how COOL things you can do with Paint!
> Experiment with other formats too, it doesn't play DivX , Flash movies, etc. Microsoft hasn't revealed this i think. MsPaint is GREAT
IS WORKING?? NOT WITH ME BUT I KNOW MANY GUYS SAYS ITS WORK... So tell me is it working with you..
Actually i think this is the most ridiculous thing ... :)
[11:40 AM
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