Your Own Bux V4


Start your own Paid To Click Program with this NEW and Complex script:

Script Features:

- Automatic Upgrades After Payment
- No more unsense payments on database (the database is writed only after Alertpay payments)
- New and totally secured Viewads section
- Members area (Stats, profile, convert to ads, convert to Premium, and convert to Cash)
- Adsense/bidvertiser ready
- New and totally secured Admin panel
- Admin can add/edit/delete users, etc...
- New Contact area(admin can send mass emails, reply contact messages etc)
- Complete Site Stats on admin section
- Added a ban IP system, with add/remove/edit banned ip features in admin panel
- Bot Detection feature to detect possible bots
- Added Premium Only advertisements
- Added Bold and Highlighted advertisements
- Added sha1 encrypted passwords (for users security)
- Added a "forgot password" section with sha1 encrypted hashes
- No "ADMIN" link in the front end, so you can rename your admin folder to prevent unautorized access

- Etc..

- Captcha to prevent bots (needs gdscript2 library with FreeTypes Installed)
- Easy Instalation with a step by step install script
- This script Requires Zend Optimizer installed on your hosting to run.

AFTER PAYMENT: you must email us with the domain name to receive your license key file.

Try Our Demo (Some Functions May Be Dissabled)

There's no "Admin" link so you must go to /admin folder to see the admin section

Username = admin
Password = 123456

Demo :


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