\btw this is not to make opera faster, bcz u can find how to do it easily everywhere, this is my tips..

if u are browsing on an opened tab but also want to type other new address without leaving the current tab (or bcz too lazy to make new tab) u can just type the address right on the address bar on the current tab and shift+enter to open it in the new tab.

if u love to read online comics or maybe love to open super many tabs on opera, this might be useful..
-when closing a tab choose activate the next tab
-check open new tab next to active
-in middle-click options tick open in background tab

it useful if u like open new link in new tab (by middle click it) but u dont want to go directly into the new open tab bcz still want to browse the current tab and look the new open tab later. and if u hav many tabs open and u open sum new links from particular tabs, the tabs will open right beside the tab u click the links from, so u dont need to find the new open tab far2 away. btw u can close tabs by middle click on the tabs too..

and the last one is instant translation, maybe some of u knew it already.. for u guys who like to visit sites in different languages but dont understand it, i believe this tool is quite useful.
first, visit this page

and look for english and maybe ur own language if available among those langs, like mine actually indonesian not english and fortunately its available there..
and put it into the toolbar like this:
for example i choose english, put ur cursor on the "english" word and drag it (hold left click), dont drag it to the right or left bcz it will block the letter instead, otherwise drag it up or down and it will move along ur cursor.. and to put it on ur opera toolbar hold shift and drop it wherever u want (on the toolbar area) for me i put it right next to the address bar and the icon will look like a star.. i got 2 icon there bcz i put english and my own language.

and to use it, try visit japanese or chinese or other languages sites u dont understand then click the icon.. sumtimes the english translation is better than my own language, so i think if u understand english, and the result in ur language other than english is kinda mess, maybe the english translation is more understandable..

and sorry if my tips are too long and complicated or maybe confusing..


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